
Showing posts from October, 2023

Breaking the grid by Mohammed or Moe


Hierarchy on grid by Mohammed Uddin or Moe

This is my heirarcy work. The most thing that i liked working on the most was the first and second one. The hardest part that i had most hard on working on was the last. The last one was very diffcuilt because you had to make sure the it was in order and make sure the size was the same. The fifth one that i made was figure ground and it is really well made. Another thing that i found hard working was on 3rd as well because it was kinda hard making it and making it well oragnized as well. But i had fun working on this and really enjoyed it. I also like the colors that i made for one design and it's kinda eye catching.

Hierarcy by Mohammed or Moe

No Hierarchy   Contrasting Weight Contrasting Color Alightment Spatial intervals Uppercase and Spatial intervals Weight, color, space and Alightment Italic, scale, color, weight and Alightment. This is my heirarcy work. The most thing that i liked working on the most was the first and second one. The hardest part that i had most hard on working on was the last. The last one was very diffcuilt because you had to make sure the it was in order and make sure the size was the same. The fifth one that i made was figure ground and it is really well made. Another thing that i found hard working was on 7th as well because it was kinda hard making it and making it well oragnized as well. But i had fun working on this and really enjoyed it.

Gestalt by Mohammed or Moe

Mohammed Uddin 10/4/23 Closure Similarity Figure Ground Continuity Proximity This is my gestalt grid. I think the most hardest part about making this InDesign was the proximity. I had to figure out how to make it. The most fun thing about making this gestalt grid was the similiarity. I really enjoyed the making the similiarity and it was also easy to make. I also like the figure ground that i made because its well orangized and designed very well. Another part that i enjoyed was the continuity. I like how i well orangized and made into a good position.